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SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Ice Cube
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 4 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by xOx JeSs xOx Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:33 am

And irish i <3 u as long as u still in the clan i fine with the dropping of co ldr but u were a great co ldr! and ill be happy 2 see u as co ldr again when u do
xOx JeSs xOx
xOx JeSs xOx
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 4 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by ScarletTourniquet Sat Apr 24, 2010 6:47 am

Scotty wrote:told irish and jess again, but irish is afk, and jess was afk too that time numbface had already left

once again numbface crashed it and i dont know why, and really this time i dont care and i dont want to help because
since all these negative replies i know i wont get unban

Numbface: Has it crashed?
|TnT-SF| Scott: yeh
Numbface: faggot even if i am ban i can do it cause this isnt the script.
|TnT-SF| Scott: idc wanker suck a fat one i dont give 2 shits wat u do to the server anymore there not gonna unban me. btw im ban off your server to faggot
Numbface: rofl dud go check up the thing i told u to on the site and u can have my hacks

Deadman, this is what I was referring to. He didn't care what happened to the server and didn't try and stop Numbface from doing it. If I was still hoping to get unbanned, even if I thought that no one would give me a chance, I'd be fighting for it. Likewise when Hyk and I were fighting, even though he and I weren't friends and I wasn't playing on the server, if I heard anyone talk shit about TFG, I was right in their face about it. And anyway, people are willing to give him a chance. People tend to only read the negative comments. It was by no means over.

Irish, again, I was appealing to a younger generation. Not people my age or your age. Coming from a 23 year old has no bearing on the target audience. I phrased it as such so that people wouldn't just dismiss it and be like "yeah... so? sure, it's no big deal, I'd forgive them within 3 days". And no, you didn't give an ultimatum. You just dropped it saying "no one respects my opinions blah blah". Pretty sure, nay, I'm certain I said everyone made excellent points. That does include you. And BlueRhino said you were wise etc. I'm pretty sure other people said something along similar lines too, I just can't remember off the top of my head. Stop only seeing the negatives.

And Jess, I asked both Hyk and Ice before posting my first post. I especially want Hyk's okay now when posting in massive clan issues like this after our fight before. And then Irish pretty well attacked me so I replied, defending my post. I'm well aware that anything I say has no real impact on the final outcome... But I still <3 you too =]

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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 4 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Scotty Sat Apr 24, 2010 7:00 am

yes scarlet i didnt care at the time i wrote that
its because, by seeing all the negative comments on this thread
i had realised i wasnt going to be unban

but keep in mind before and after that when i had agreements with irish and jess
i still did help

also EasyOffBam is the server tech someone tell him to watch this
link ---------------------------->
download ---------------------->

it shows you how to install css ddos fixer v2, also shows you were to put everything
i havnt tried it cause i dont have a server
and no my anti virus's didnt pick up anything whilst downloading that, although i deleted it because i dont need it
its for you guys to test, the next time someone laggs your server


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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 4 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by {Irish} Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:34 am

I wasnt attacking you Scarlet, I just cant see any correlation between the two scenarios, that is all. Also i agree with some of your comments.
Part of the comment about my opinion having no relevance is also in relation to another issue, but still ......
it is only in the last part of this discussion that more people are speaking up more thoughful / positive comments. earlier was predominantly draconian, and i am not say that those who posted earlier didnt think, just that the comments were harsher.

Cheers Jess for your comments Smile
also Rhino and others thank you
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 4 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by xOx JeSs xOx Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:34 am

Ah i see ok scarlet Smile
Your welcome irish i ment it Razz <3

Also guys me and deadman wont be playing for 3 days as we are capped but we still be around online or msn Smile

*thinking how we could of used 20GB b4 the month ended :S*
xOx JeSs xOx
xOx JeSs xOx
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 4 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Scotty Sat Apr 24, 2010 12:36 pm

first of all hope hyraki or anyone else doesnt delete this post _ COUGH cause over here its hes fault

i was on tfg training server, was 2 hackers, i told korr ( but he isnt admin )
told hyraki ( he said he doesnt know iff there hacking)
they were walling
steam id of the 2 wallers
# 298 "Ç.Ç - hardcoresecs biatch(see" STEAM_0:0:31834920 09:15 67 0 active
# 300 "i killed a man" STEAM_0:1:26524890 06:46 66 0 active

then i went on my cousins steam account played css
went on tfg pub server
Hyraki starts going all shits and crap
said to me " if i get bitched about you playing this server ill bann you"
im like why its not my account check the steam id

hyraki said "but ur still the same person"
who gives a shit? its a new account i did nothing wrong
then the new admin korr starts acting like some king as he thinks he is
starts saying dont argue with admin or ban, even hyraki said that
then korr mute me for 5 minutes

why should be be able to ban me when i did nothing wrong and starts threatening me
cough cough whats next " ohh i said that cause he crashed the server"
get a clue i was on another account and did nothing wrong said nothing wrong
clue up please

șcott✩: cough threatening to ban me for no reason
|Ŧ.F.Ģ| ۣۜH¥kąґiki»Ldr: ok listen to me
|Ŧ.F.Ģ| ۣۜH¥kąґiki»Ldr: for ill say this only once
șcott✩: i did nothing wrong it was a new account - as i said for the 10th time
|Ŧ.F.Ģ| ۣۜH¥kąґiki»Ldr: if i get bitched at for you playing on the server again ill ban you straight up
șcott✩: why i did nothing wrong?
|Ŧ.F.Ģ| ۣۜH¥kąґiki»Ldr: now you can accept that or i can bann you now?
șcott✩: wtf i did nothing wrong its a new account
|Ŧ.F.Ģ| ۣۜH¥kąґiki»Ldr: it doesnt matter its still YOU
șcott✩: what do u mean its me?
|Ŧ.F.Ģ| ۣۜH¥kąґiki»Ldr: your the one playing the new account are you not?
șcott✩: yes?
|Ŧ.F.Ģ| ۣۜH¥kąґiki»Ldr: its still you behind your comp playing the game
șcott✩: yeah?
șcott✩: your point?
șcott✩: well?
|Ŧ.F.Ģ| ۣۜH¥kąґiki»Ldr: then its still you playing
șcott✩: ? wtf that doesnt even make sense
|Ŧ.F.Ģ| ۣۜH¥kąґiki»Ldr: and because you was banned for crashing the server
șcott✩: thats from the other account wow?
șcott✩: whateva mate you just keep finding stupid reasons to ban me i cbf talking to ya
|Ŧ.F.Ģ| ۣۜH¥kąґiki»Ldr: dude its make perfect sense
șcott✩: no it doesnt
|Ŧ.F.Ģ| ۣۜH¥kąґiki»Ldr: your just too fucking thick to see my point
|Ŧ.F.Ģ| ۣۜH¥kąґiki»Ldr: and because you crashed the server not 5 minutes ago ill make sure this asccount your on now doesnt get unbanned...too bad too you was so close and if you had of just accepted what i said to you not long ago you would of been unbanned TODAY!
șcott✩: wait wat? i never crashed the server
șcott✩: i havnt touched the server since i was ban so clue up?
|Ŧ.F.Ģ| ۣۜH¥kąґiki»Ldr: ok fuck it
|Ŧ.F.Ģ| ۣۜH¥kąґiki»Ldr: your not getting unbanned


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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 4 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by epitaph Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:24 pm

Okay, i'm fucking sic k of this.
This is just causing more arguing amongst ourselves than it is anger towards scotty.

Hyk has always said, when all the other clans fail, we'll still be at it.
At this rate, if we can't deal with a problem maturely and have to result in arguing with each other than that's not going to happen.

Seriously guys, take a look at yourselves. Pretend we're a family because that's how we should treat each other! Not how we are at the moment.

Stop causing arguments, deal with him maturely and lets move on!
After some reading in the "Life" section, it all seems as though we've all been through some shit and managed to get through it. So apply that principle here.

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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 4 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Hykariki Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:36 pm

this is gone a little too far,i think its time i stepped in

i agree with Epitaph i say were gonna let Scott play on this new account as a normal player,were going to let him have a completely new slate and he is to be treated like a normal player

if he camps deal with the punishments as you would a normal player

this thread is getting locked down and this continuous and pointless argument is over

im sick of this same argument taking place
ive tried allowing the members to decide scotts fate and its gone outta hand

Case dissmissed
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 4 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Hykariki Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:19 pm

he has been unbanned and given one last chance
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 4 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Ice Cube Sat Apr 24, 2010 7:09 pm


that is all.
Ice Cube
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