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SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Ice Cube
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by {Irish} Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:27 am

The Final Gods
yup more like the cold and unforgiving 'god' of the old testiment
where "oh hell you fucked up and made a mistake ..... lets see what the options are from omnipitant us .... here we are ... option of 1 ... hell and damnation is the only thing we have on the menu .... forgiveness doesnt get added for a few thousand years.....
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by SuperMan Fri Apr 23, 2010 2:23 am

It's very simple they did the crime so they should do the time....
We perm ban people all the time for aimbotting, wAllin an hackin.. These boobs are no diffrent!!!!

Just because they have made nice with Irish and jess it doesn't excuse the abuse and disrespect that myself and ice cube have copped from these wankers!!

I stand by my decision that if they get unbanned I will resign from TFG, I love this clan but have no interest in playing on a server where we welcome any dickhead to play and if they fuck up.. Doesn't matter because if you suck up to one of the admins or leaders your sentance gets reduced..

They should be by minimum be banned for 3 months... That is a harsh punishment for crashing the Server not once but in excess of 20 times!! You would give a grub 1 year for murder... Why allow blatent hackers a reprieve they do not deserve...

Face it Irish you are wrong on this one!!

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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Ice Cube Fri Apr 23, 2010 2:50 am

just like to point out in all of this neither of them have made an effort to say sorry for the destruction of my property (not just the TFG server that was crashed, a few of my servers).

You would think that would be the first thing to do to get in my good books....
Ice Cube
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by BlueRhino Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:58 am

Ok what Irish just said above was very wise however i have no idea what abuse you both have copped.
Irish would you be happy to let this go, wait a few months so Scotty can learn his lesson & to stop the stress felt through all those involved. Then give him a second chance!?

In my eyes that is more than fair for what he has done. Despite the lack of communication etc on our side as well, at the end of the day he did the worst thing he could to us over computer for (apperently) being banned for no reason. I've been talking to him on steam and yeah he seems like a level headed kid and just wants a second chance, however maybe he should have come to forums in the first place for a second chance BEFORE crashing the server. I think the leaders need to make a compromise for this situation so all parties are happy..
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by SuperMan Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:04 am

Ohh wise blue rhino ---^^^

I agree!

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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by {Irish} Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:44 am

ok just to address a few points
Yes i agree with that Ice that they should have at least made an apology for crashing the server, that is only polite.
And i think that seeing as the way things stand that the ban remaining in effect for a a couple or a few weeks may be necessary to appease certain peoples delicate egos.... or for the sake of principle.
But in regards to a grub only getting the reduced sentance of 1 year for murder .... well correct me if I am wrong but I havent seen anyone actually die.
Maybe the guys may prove themselves enough to your satisfaction after a couple of weeks by their demonstrated conduct on the CasC server where they have been unbanned. but i suppose time will tell on that.
NO Superman I am NOT wrong, I just have a different opinion than you, and I dont believe that I am alone in saying that I think things could have been handled better and that there was fault on both sides, mainly on Scotts as crashing the server was not the best way to go about seeking a redress of grievance, also de-escalating would have been better than firing things up.
Superman you threatened to give up your admin and association to the clan if things didnt go the way you wanted ie: the perm ban remaining in effect. well what makes you any different to them in your claim that they were holding the "clan to ransom" by their "threats of action" hmmmm?
OK you are different from them in that at least you feel you have the clans better interests at heart right or wrong. But the principle remains the same.
I have removed the [Co-Ldr] tag from my name, as it appears that it is just a hollow thing and my opinion means nothing and that my good judgement isnt trusted, in that i also was and am acting in the best interests of the clan, not only now but also in the future. Why dont you give the [Co-Ldr] tag to Superman as he seems to want to make it a popularity contest or to just simply dig his heels in. whatever the reason ..... Meh!
Hell the guy even asked for Ice and Rhino to add him so he could warn clan admins against impending attacks from Ramos and noobface even though he didnt expect to be unbanned.
You mention Superman about not unbanning wall hackers / aim botters and the like ..... when have they come back and asked to have the ban lifted and tried to make amends? like giving warnings? so the server can be protected or the details of the hacker gained pre crash?
I suppose the details doesnt matter ...
yes he acted in quite an immature manner in regards to what he should have done if he felt wronged ... well guess what he is 14 not 25.
That isnt to imply that it was ok to do what he did ... as that isnt the case

Just that I feel that we should be the bigger people and forgive and look to gain from it the form of details of others who may seek to harm or hack the clans server.

You all will do what you will regardless as my words aparently mean nothing..... Sad

For Christs sake I thought the clan and server was so that we could get together as a group of friends, enjoy playing with/against one another, to chat and banter with one another and have fun.
seems i was wrong and that it is far more serious than that and that forgiveness doesnt have a place.
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by {Irish} Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:24 am

Hey Ice
Scott may not have made a personal apology to you but he did apologise to all a while back. ....... . Check the "Spam All You Want" section

sorry to everyone in T.F.G
im over everything
so sorry
already posted this on announcements but o well
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by xOx JeSs xOx Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:32 am

Why was this subject locked i went 2 reply but couldnt
Yes i was about 2 say that irish he did if u have a look he apoligised 2 every1 including u ice every1 makes mistakes fuck i have ffs but hey i learn from them and keep going yes he needs 2 learn and i think he has
And fatal no need 2 be so harsh ok u wernt there so no need 4 it so please stop it
And superman u aint changing ur mind coz u so stubbern (cant spell lol) Smile

Sort this out calmly not arguing k that would be great Smile

xOx JeSs xOx
xOx JeSs xOx
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by epitaph Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:37 am


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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by |)ea|)man Fri Apr 23, 2010 12:51 pm

I agree that yes it was wrong for scott 2 hack the server and cost ice money but if any of you have been 2 court like i have and like irish said forgiveness is the kindest medicine but anyway when you go to court the judge looks at both sides where as the cops eg everyone in tfg being negitive only see that once you do a crime you never change but thats just the thing people do change.

I used 2 be a violent alcoholic but now im mellow so everyone that wants 2 be negitive sort your shit out, look at the full picture and realise we all fuck up in life its the only way we learn and grow and better ourselves.

well thats what i think anyways

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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by {Irish} Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:16 pm

thanks DeaDman, glad to hear your input mate
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by D3m0n1k Fri Apr 23, 2010 2:02 pm

Incase u guys didnt realise all this shit is just making our clan fall into 2 catagories

A. On scotts side
B. Against Scott

It putting pressure on each other where its un-nessicary, I back superman, thats my opinion, BUT Irish Does have a point. Can we just get this behind us already before people start something that cannot be fixed ive been in to many clans too see this one get split in 2 and this bullshit we are fighting over is starting to destroy the clan from the inside. Im just gunna say Get over it everyone.. if scott proves himself to have learned from his lesson then grant him another chance, But still enforce the ban for a couple months or whatever. then have him on a sort of Parole thing or something...

Please just let it go...
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Scotty Fri Apr 23, 2010 2:57 pm

couple of months or whatever? lol
then have me on a sort of parole thing.. lol? its a game

it was a misunderstanding from both sides
ice was told superman to keep banning me because i crashed the server
though he didnt know i was crashing the server because i was ban for no reason


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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by epitaph Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:35 pm


Here's my solution.
Give him a 2 week ban.
I think that this needs to go with a punishment, BUT he has helped us out and is willing to do whatever is necessary.

I'm a nice guy, not usually one to make enemies, i just think this needs to go with some sort of punishment.

Also, him being 14 (no offense) but usually they act on anger, not wise decisions. (I know this because i myself am going through this stage.. or just coming out of it.) He wasn't actually intending to do massive harm, just got peeved off and thought "Hey, i have a mate who can crash their server.. time to get them back!".

So i say, just leave him on a 2 week ban, and then he's back in!
He should be monitored for a week or so after that, but he seems like a nice kid.

All in favour?
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by |)ea|)man Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:15 pm

I agree fully with epitaph here i mean its almost been a week so why not just keep it way it is till next week then unban and IF I STRESS THE IF he crashes server again on perpose then perm ban but i can tell from talking 2 scott all he wants is 2 come in and have fun on our server i know there are some tfg members who don't like him and he prob don't like them eather but i do know he gets along with some of us tfg members and as i stated earlier i have made some bad mistakes in life and changed but it was only able 2 happen because out of everyone it only took one person 2 treat me normal.... well as normal as i can be.
but that one person believed in me and i showed them and all the non believers that i could change and now im here 2 help scott prove to tfg that he 2 can change hisa ways.

P.S. JOIN THE DARKSIDE WE HAVE COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Scotty Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:28 pm

«.ﮎaŝuќє: hey come plaay its gg
Scott: nah i cant bro im ban
«.ﮎaŝuќє: (ADMIN) |Ŧ.F.Ģ| Korr,,: it was scott
«.ﮎaŝuќє: :O
Scott: what was me
«.ﮎaŝuќє: (ADMIN) |Ŧ.F.Ģ| Korr,,: it was scott
«.ﮎaŝuќє: idk dude someguy crshed it and said numbface
Scott: if its numbface wtf they blame me i didnt do shit i was talking to one of there members Deadman

Scott: they gonna think it was me
|Ŧ.F.Ģ| |)eą|)mąn <3 Jess: im bout 2 have a word 2 korr

numbface: gl getting unban fag this is what u get for crashing my server
Scott: faggot that aint my server, plus i crashed ur server only 2 times cause u were keep slaying me for jack shit then u ban me
numbface: so wat faggot there was like 20 ppl on when u did it
Scott: well stop framming me wanker
numbface: shhh dud


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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by |)ea|)man Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:36 pm



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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Scotty Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:59 pm

also just curious
the last time i remember superman
ban me and mango
was because we were talking about how we crashed another server, so on and on
but nothing about tfg
and um we got permed for that


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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Ice Cube Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:24 pm

{Irish} wrote:Hey Ice
Scott may not have made a personal apology to you but he did apologise to all a while back. ....... . Check the "Spam All You Want" section

sorry to everyone in T.F.G
im over everything
so sorry
already posted this on announcements but o well

as owner of the box, i expect a personal appology
Ice Cube
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by D3m0n1k Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:26 pm

Nuffsaid, Drop the topic move on to more pressing matters such as

Could superman (not our superman) out run the flash?
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by ScarletTourniquet Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:33 am

If it wasn't Scott, then apologies are needed all round and he needs unbanning. (Why hasn't this come up before btw?)

If it was, then go with Epictaph's idea and leave it at 2 weeks.

Also, Irish, I never said wife. I was appealing to the younger members of this clan who wouldn't be married and the love of their life would only be a gf at this stage. It's a completely different ball game to someone your age.

Heart break may be different but the amount of stress and suffering caused by it may not be any less. Look at the stress it's placed on the clan. Now tell me it doesn't fit.

And as for forgiving the love of your life, I said would you forgive them in 3 days. I didn't say you'd never forgive them.

You failed to take into account the rest of my post though really. You picked the very last thing that I stated and ignored where I said people can change and he should be forgiven but should prove that he really wants it before it happens, especially since he's told someone to go crash it again out of anger. Stop selectively reading. What would you have posted on if I hadn't put in the last 2 sentences?

Also, I really don't like how you say "nice one kids". I'm 23. A fair few members of TFG are around the age of 18. Just because you're older doesn't mean your opinions are worth more than that of the younger ones.

By dropping the [Co-Ldr], btw, you're doing almost exactly what you're saying SuperMan is wrong in doing. You dropped it because things didn't go your way. As a leader of a clan, that's bound to happen at one stage or another. I agree that no, you're not wrong and your opinion just differs. But there was no need to drop the tag.

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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Scotty Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:03 am

above you have stated out of anger i told someone else to crash it.
and whom may that be o.o


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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by |)ea|)man Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:04 am

scott didn't ask someone else 2 hack the server he is trying 2 help us stop this numbface from crashing it. and if you read what scott said properly you will notice he said just b4 he was banned he was talking on mic 2 mango about someone elses server he had crashed not the tfg one.

since being unbanned in casac server have any of you seen him crash it NO

so that should show you that if you treat him like a kid he will act up like a kid but treat him like someone whos growing into an adult he will act like an adult.

Think on it i may be young (23) but ive got alot of life experience i just choose who knows my life.

Sort it out NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by {Irish} Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:08 am

The reference to "children" wasnt saying that others opinons weren't worth hearing, just that i took that some of the exibited behaviour had the ring of 'tit for tat" and people just digging their heels in rather than talking. there is a difference.

"Would you forgive your best BEST friend in the entire world for sleeping with the one and only love of your life in 3 days? Same concept, different context. Think about it."

About the love of your life comment, you didnt say the person was just someone that was a 'puppy-love' crush, you phrased it as your best best friend and the one true love of your life and that comming from a 23 year old implies the person isnt just a casual shag or a short term fling. The heartbreak that would cause the person betrayed regardless if married, engaged or serious relationship would be far more than the irritation, inconvenience and stuff around from a server crash.

I was comentating that the analogy was no where near appropriate, unless you only see your partner screwing around on you as a mild inconvenience? And you ask or claim that the stress and suffering is alike? You are so far from the truth it doesnt bear comment, the suffering and emotional stress from the betrayal of one you love and was planning on marrying can take years to get over, the crashing of the server a few days. You think the time frames match up? So no bad analogy.
No what I did wasnt like what superman claimed as I didnt threaten the clan with action unless my conditions were met.
Also I didnt say that he had to unbanned imediately, or within 3 days, I was stating that a perm ban, even a 2 or 3 month ban was excessive and not warrented seeing as i saw a change in attitude and a willingness to make amends. That and it was obvious to be that things werent just black and white.
Also the tag removal wasnt done because things didnt go my way, I didnt make an ultimatum, and that if the leaders decide that they want the ban to stay for another week or so out of principle ... well so be it.

Last edited by {Irish} on Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal - Page 3 Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by xOx JeSs xOx Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:31 am

Ok now we are seeing clearly not yelling *looks at deadman* Smile
I agree with the 2 weeks then unban there is only a week 2 go so how about we drop the subject ok stop the arguments
And scarlet no offence but u arnt in the clan this is a clan discustion but i still <3 u Smile
xOx JeSs xOx
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