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SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Ice Cube
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by {Irish} Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:31 pm

Ok just to bring you up to day
these 2 players have been banned for hacking the server, yes they did do it, but i think that the whole
situation could have and should have been handled better and that there is some fault on our side as well, meaning TFG.
there has been some miscommunication between us and them and honestly things have been escalated where they really should have been diffused.
I have been given assurances from both Scott (SnowiiDragon) and Mango that this will not happen again (as in hacking the server) and that if required they will assist Easy-Off-Bam in making sure the scripts in place actually protect our server so this sort of thing doesnt happen again.
I have told the two of them that if they have an issue, whether it be they feel that they have been unduely or wrongly punished for sonething that they use the forums as a means of getting things righted, NOT crashing the server .... that means talk to us.
Whether that be me ... Jess .... Hykariki or whoever and use the mechanisms that are in place.

Anyway MY opinion is that the two of them be allowed to be unbanned and given a second chance, but that is dependant on that they agree not to crash the server again (unless Bam specifically asks them to try as he is testing something) and to just follow the rules like everyone else is asked to do.

Please show your support for this request/proposition

also P.S.
mangos id - STEAM_0:0:27114126
Scotts id - STEAM_0:0:19715261

Last edited by {Irish} on Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Scotty Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:42 pm

yes i myself and also mango have agreed to What we have been issued with by jess and irish
have agreed to everything and we will play by the rules
and we will try to help easy with better and more ways to stop hackers
thanks for a chance


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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by NuTkaSe Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:32 pm

If you actually be productive and help Bam, then I am go for a second chance.
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Hykariki Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:08 am

yer well this had been handled in a mature matter HOWEVER!!!!...nah i got nothing

i dont care honestly

just stop crashing the server and everything will be cool
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by SuperMan Wed Apr 21, 2010 7:56 am

So how many times do we allow someone to crash the server before they stay banned... Honestly does TFG want admins to be seen as toothless tigers.

Both these players have crashed the server, the last time I banned them they where discussing over voice In Game) about diffrent ways to hack Rcon...

FFS what does it take for a perm ban to stand... do they have to wipe the server for this to stand...

I am quiet happy to say that is these players are unbanned, I do not want admin...I became an admin to protect our server, not just hand it over to noobs that if they dont get their way they hack the server..

The lot of you need to grow some BALLS and tell these people they have done the crime now its time to do their time..Honestly unban them after THREE fuckin days.. you guys are nuts... Ice your just throwing bad money at the server box if we do go ahead with the unban...

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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Scotty Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:34 am

"COUGH" superman how would ice be wasting money on the server box if he unbans us
basically what your saying is that if we are unban we will continue to crash the server?

no i think about 4 times i agreed with jess and like 2 times with irish
its just the fact the you had orders from ice to keep banning us, so that is why we kept on crashing it
each time iv agreed on something iv kept my word to it
so please stop trying to get the wrong idea in peoples minds


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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by {Irish} Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:39 am

Also Superman, from what i have heard... yes they were talking about ways that rcon could be hacked, but not in the context that they were making plans to do that to the TFG server at the time, they were talking about another server.
I am not condoning the hacking of servers.
You say that admins need to grow some balls? ok but first I'd say admins need to first grow and use their fucking brains and not provoke a situation that doesnt need provoking
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Hykariki Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:57 am

i see where superman is coming from....but still why are we negotiating this?
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by D3m0n1k Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:06 pm

SuperMan wrote:So how many times do we allow someone to crash the server before they stay banned... Honestly does TFG want admins to be seen as toothless tigers.

Both these players have crashed the server, the last time I banned them they where discussing over voice In Game) about diffrent ways to hack Rcon...

FFS what does it take for a perm ban to stand... do they have to wipe the server for this to stand...

I am quiet happy to say that is these players are unbanned, I do not want admin...I became an admin to protect our server, not just hand it over to noobs that if they dont get their way they hack the server..

The lot of you need to grow some BALLS and tell these people they have done the crime now its time to do their time..Honestly unban them after THREE fuckin days.. you guys are nuts... Ice your just throwing bad money at the server box if we do go ahead with the unban...

I completely agree.... If ur just gunna bow down to hackers and server crashers then why bother? i have a script that i have written that can completely destroy ice's server box. shit i can crash steam from my house. but i dont say GIMME THIS OR ILL DESTROY THIS!!! no if i get banned from a server i ask why then i leave it be....

They Hacked and crashed the server and ur just gunna welcome them back with open arms? WHAT THE FUCK...

Fucken Man Up tfg...
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by SuperMan Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:17 pm

I can give you the following reasons why both of these players SHOULDNT be unbanned.

1. They held TFG to ransom when banned for a legitimate reason
2. The intial bans was only 1 day, it was only changed when they crashed the server.
3. They have already proven their lack of respect for our admin.
4. Apoligising or helping now doesnt make up for the 20+ times they crashed our server.
5. If we follow thru with the unban we will be setting a precident that we can be fucked with.
6. If they get banned again the same process will just repeat.

Apart from Ice and Hyka, I seem to be the only admin able to man up and stand on principle against players breaking our rules. They shouldnt be unbanned just cause they have made nice with some other admins. By the way Irish, you WHERE NOT on server when they where talking about hacking our server. The CORRECT content is they where going to find another way to hack the server thru RCON now their crash script doesnt work.

Grow some balls and tell these "terrorists" they cannot fuck with TFG. This has been handled correctly, they have been and where warned of the consequences.. now they are paying the price..

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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Scotty Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:42 pm

1. They held TFG to ransom when banned for a legitimate reason
2. The intial bans was only 1 day, it was only changed when they crashed the server.
3. They have already proven their lack of respect for our admin.

first of all your legitimate reason was cause ice asked you to ban us, now what kind of reason is that
second how were we meant to know the ban was for 1 day, did anyone tell us? no
why did we crash the server cause your legitimate reason was seriously stupid
3rd, if you want respect, well hmph i doubt ull get it if you keep being a well wats the word "WANKER"


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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Ice Cube Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:08 pm

My instructions are clear and followed. Superman was instructed to ban you beacause the server was still getting crashed.

THAT is the reason.

As to the rest of this thread, yes i do own the box, but the server is not just paid by me or ran by me so its not my place to say if the money is "wasted" or not.

I dont actually stand on any side of this debate. Just sort it out between members, ranked members and Leaders and give me you're verdict.

I do not like unbanning anyone fullstop. Not saying i wont, just saying I dont like it.

But, like i said, let me know.

Ice is out
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Fatal1X Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:24 pm

Well, you lot havn't seen me alot on the forums but here i am Smile

I Moderate all the Scoutz4life servers and forums. We have immature kiddies there that pay people to crash servers, ddos pc's+websites, etc.

I HAVE NEVER, AND WILL NEVER UNBAN A HACKER (Unless it's to invite them into the server only to reban them properly using rcon, not mani or sourcemod.)

With that being said, i've heard from all parties on this matter and i just don't get it. YOU DO NOT USE FORCE and crash peoples servers. Did you know actually be taken to court over that? Your interferring with somebody else's PAID PROPERTY. How do i know this? because ftfu| .Super_Mario, the creator and Head management of S4L have taken three 19 year olds to court in Melbourne after they crashed the servers that i was working on getting ready for the season. Guess what - the case hasn't been thrown out of court - these 19 year old kids have been ordered to pay money to Mario as we are a sponsored competition and we had huge downtime. However, the judge ruled that even if we were not a sponsered competition, the pure fact that you "Obtained illegitimate entry via means of cohersion or other illegal means" to a piece of somebody else's property, he still would have charged them.

So, apart from the fact that you could have been sent to court over this, and you think this is a FUCKING JOKE, and your ASKING TO BE UNBANNED... Seriously scottie. Go pay 20 dollars for a new steam account with css and don't waste our time. Don't even let us know that your aliasing. I'll leave TFG and all my mates here if i see you unbanned, because guess what - You don't answer force with force, and if your too FUCKING IMMATURE to see that then you shouldn't be on the internet. It just makes you look like a fucking script kiddie who chucked a tantrum because they didn't get the sweets they wanted in the supermarket.

And you know what else is funny? After crashing the server the FIRST TIME, your word is void. It doesn't matter if you didn't do it again. You damaged somebodies property. I'd give you a ONE MONTH BAN MINIMUM, with a negotiated return after 30 days.

So. The morale of the story? YOU REAP THE JUST REWARDS OF FUCKING WITH OTHER PEOPLE. I'm with David on this one. GTFO Mate. Just turn around and walk out.

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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Scotty Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:27 pm

what the fucks the point me even agreeing on any fucking shit
if these people just gonna keep giving negative replies
whats the point wasting the time on the thread for
i just leaked out a hacker - numbface
to irish so he could ban him
i dont even know why i helped him for you faggots who dont try to come to a proper outcome


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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Ice Cube Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:31 pm

well, quite an entrance there fatal, brother.

and i agree.

plus thr fact thats my tech has both street addresses via IP address trace, this would not be hard to organise.... LOL
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Scotty Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:36 pm

told irish and jess again, but irish is afk, and jess was afk too that time numbface had already left

once again numbface crashed it and i dont know why, and really this time i dont care and i dont want to help because
since all these negative replies i know i wont get unban

Numbface: Has it crashed?
|TnT-SF| Scott: yeh
Numbface: faggot even if i am ban i can do it cause this isnt the script.
|TnT-SF| Scott: idc wanker suck a fat one i dont give 2 shits wat u do to the server anymore there not gonna unban me. btw im ban off your server to faggot
Numbface: rofl dud go check up the thing i told u to on the site and u can have my hacks


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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by epitaph Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:39 pm

I'm sorry, but i agree with both superman and Fatal on this one.

Regardless on how willing you are to help us, the simple fact is that you have screwed with our property.

If it was jail, they wouldn't just let you off because you gave them the name of your assistant, they would let the judge know that you co-operated and possibly receive one or two years off your sentence.

I say leave them banned.
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by xOx JeSs xOx Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:45 pm

Ok look scott came 2 me 1st about it he explained it 2 me why het got banned 1st 4 swearing? wtf srsly i agreed its pathetic so i unbanned him thought i was doing the right thing we had an agreement he behaved on the server untill another admin fucked it up he came 2 me everytime and i had 2 sort it again srsly wtf and i thought hey im saving the server they will thank me but NO my admin gets threatened this wouldnt of happened if the admins communicated im over this srsly

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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Fatal1X Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:47 pm

Mrs_Jess wrote:Ok look scott came 2 me 1st about it he explained it 2 me why het got banned 1st 4 swearing? wtf srsly i agreed its pathetic so i unbanned him thought i was doing the right thing we had an agreement he behaved on the server untill another admin fucked it up he came 2 me everytime and i had 2 sort it again srsly wtf and i thought hey im saving the server they will thank me but NO my admin gets threatened this wouldnt of happened if the admins communicated im over this srsly


Read what icecube wrote ... Superman was following his orders at the time of this banning. First page halfway down. Kthnxbai.

+1 to stay banned.

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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Fatal1X Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:51 pm

Thanks scottie, incase you didn't know, i'm a member of this clan too, and i'd LOVE it if you wouldn't be so immature as to abuse the people that currently hold in their hands the ability to unban you.

That being said, being immature over this won't get you any supports. GTFO mate, i'll say it again. Don't abuse people and be nicer. I was asked by Icecube, Superman and irish to have a look at this, and that's what i've done. Don't like the fact i use proper english and sentances or proper spelling? deal with it. Think i'm a random? think again. Be nicer? YES PLEASE.


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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Ice Cube Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:51 pm

ok jess, i see where ur coming from. that wasnt the reason he got banned.

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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by {Irish} Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:53 pm

That includes me Ice?
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by BlueRhino Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:54 pm

Hey all i wasn't here when all this started and Scotty was doing wrong by us & i know Superman wouldn't have banned you Scotty unless he had good reason for it. I understand where your coming from Superman completely especially it making us look like push overs & the fact that Scotty retaliated in the worst way possible.

However we all know Irish well enough to know he also has good reason to unban him, what Scotty has just said above is completely true he gave us a heads up and did his best to talk Numbface out of hacking our server. He is clearly doing his best to put the past behind him & although he did just about the worst thing he could to us he obviously has more than half a braincell and some good bones in his body. I know some wont see it this way but if we do unban him its not giving in to abuse as he's trying to help us prevent further abuse we are getting something out of this.

Fatal everything you said is spot on i just know i've made huge mistakes in life however i can live with myself as i learnt from those mistakes and became a better person which i think Scotty is trying to do.

Mate if this all blows over and you are unbanned i suggest you dont hold a grudge against Superman or any other members (keeping in mind heads will turn if you are unbanned and the leaders are doing you a massive favour) & if something should happen that ends (or remains) as you being slayed/kicked/banned whatever, talk to someone in TFG you know & if we've had enough of you dont worry be happy, float on to another server (;

And also STOP ABUSING PEOPLE they have a negative few on you for mistakes you've made. Learn from it. Be a fucking good human being, its not hard!

Last edited by BlueRhino on Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Scotty Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:54 pm

ability to unban me
fatalix you dud as you can see icecube said
only him or hyraki will be unbanning me so right now i couldnt careless what you say or who you are


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SnowiiDragon  and  Mango ban reversal Empty Re: SnowiiDragon and Mango ban reversal

Post by Fatal1X Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:55 pm

I posted before him kid. CLUE UP.

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