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My Early Life

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My Early Life Empty My Early Life

Post by FoxFtw Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:54 pm

Since this is what this section is for and everyone else is doing it i think its only fair if i tell mine

well i was born august 28 1990 then when i was about 3 i think my mum left me with my dad, we were on our own for i think a yr
then dad got with some depressing bitch lol then she left him he went crazy ended up in the looney bin an i was left with a family friend
whose 15 and 17 year old kids used to beat me and throw stones at me everyday before and after school lock me out of the house that sorta shit
and when dad got out he didnt believe me and i was always left alone with them. then dad went back into the looney bin and i was supposed to go
to my mum but my uncles drove to get me and took me to my nanas which wasnt so bad untill the massive fight my mum had with her over getting me back
which happened several times during that year.Then we moved into a house out in warwick were my mum started doing pot with dick head friends and pushing me aside to chase some fuck head C**nt of a man. we were a little behind in the car repayments and mum finally got a bit of money to pay some off the car and some BLACK C**nt stole her money and we lost the car we then had to move again... we moved in with mums best friend from school who blamed me for everything that went wrong in the house even if her kids did it and when mum wasnt around shed throw me down the stairs and shit they then let the fuck head C**nt move from warwick move in with them she then fell pregnant and we all thought it was his when my little bro came along i was kinda ignored but she did the best she could for once, then we moved several times before we ended up in a shit hole called grantham were i met my best friend who isnt so much a best friend anymore....i was then kicked out by mum an sent to live with my dad in yr 8 i was going to school not making friends being ignored by teachers and classmates alike only getting attention from dad when he wasnt working which was like an hour a day. after that year ended i moved back in with mum to help her with money and stuff was getting ignored again but didnt care as i met my first love (didnt end well they never do) not much bad happened for a couple years other then feeling depressed all the time from being picked on constantly. we moved out to a town called taroom where i caught up with my childhood friend and then destroyed that relationship by getting with his ex in a long term long distance relationship which end in me getting thrown out of home in the middle of no where with no where to go i then ended up in some town called chinchilla where i was making a whole bunch of new friends for once then i got with a taken girl and destroyed everything i had worked for which led me to cotemplating suicide but i could never bring myself to it as every time i went i thought of my mum and dad and how it would affect them i hate them sometimes but i still couldnt do that to them

But the girl i slept with turned out the be the best thing to ever happen to me we have been together now for 1 year 1 month and 16 days we have a beautiful baby girl together her name is Kiaya-Rae and i couldnt be happier.

I would give my life to protect them and take my own if i lost them

iam going to be dissapering i hope next week to go see her down in albion park (shes visiting her friend) and surprising her by proposing to her =)

P.S yes i know this doesnt seem so bad but if i could go into more detail you would know how bad it was thats just some of the shit ive been through and reading it doesnt seem anywhere near as bad as it was to live it. And i cbf making it grammatically correct

Posts : 23
Join date : 2010-03-19

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My Early Life Empty Re: My Early Life

Post by epitaph Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:41 am

Good luck to you and your future wife mate Very Happy
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My Early Life Empty Re: My Early Life

Post by BlueRhino Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:16 am

Hey man we all go through trials in life dont worry about making it sound near as bad as what you've been through because we all know no one could imagine our life but we couldn't imagine theirs =]

Good luck with the proposal dude!!!!!!!!!!
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