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DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Ice Cube
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Should Dilltank have admin.

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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by BlueRhino Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:05 am

Irish is such an original gangster, hes not a cockney nutter or a ragamuffin from the streets, fuck with him and i'll eat your cereal!

that is all.
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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by {Irish} Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:15 am

LOLS cheers Rhino

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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by ScarletTourniquet Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:51 am

Mm. Currently we have 1 admin per 3 members...

-_- But will anyone listen to me? Of course not. So I'm done contributing towards the growth of the clan. It's just pissing me off now. I'll hang around and post on forums and occasionally play on the TFG server but I'm done.

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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by {Irish} Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:30 am

Rather premature and extreme reaction there Scarlet ---> "But will anyone listen to me? Of course not. So I'm done contributing towards the growth of the clan."
Yes you are listened to and are not being ignored.
I have the same opinion regarding the number of people with admin per members, and at the moment the clan is new and just setting up.
Did you read my post a little up the page??
It just means that there most likely wont be any new admins added for quite a while until member numbers justify the new additions, or that a specific need warrents someone to have admin.
key word being "Warrents"
still no need to give up

like in all things...... if it is so easily obtained .. it is then taken for granted, people being given admin being no exception to the rule.
and it should be seen as a functional role of responsibility, not just a fashion or status symbol.

just my 2 cents worth
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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by NiNjA Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:33 am






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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by Browny_as Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:38 am

well yes irish is right he shouldn't cop shit.
clan has been up for fkn 2 or 3 weeks but hes been there for us.
he said the reason he wanted admin is because everytime he told someone not to camp they would shut the fuck up. and he had no admin to come on.
if this shit is gonna continue im fkn out. >Neutral
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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by Browny_as Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:39 am

fk that shit man.
irish is a good man you know that.
without him this clan would be going a bad way :s
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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by eKstatic/Anth Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:42 am

your right.
he always ahs something good too say.
no need to argue scarlet but sometimes mind ur own bussiness.
no offence Smile

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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by eKstatic/Anth Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:47 am


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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by BlueRhino Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:25 pm

No wucking forries Irish xD
Scarlet shut your mouth i havn't even played with you other then DOA when i was first starting GG but we need your contrabutions to the clan, and i think your being listened to.. i know your opinion on me was a bit ehh uhh well ok sure, but i was happy to wait for more members and i think i got it sooner as im a baddass motherlicker! (too put it lightly) hehe

Chill beans let some time pass and make a better informed decision, we are a new clan and we defiantly need your help growing in my opinion!
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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by Ice Cube Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:46 pm

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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by ScarletTourniquet Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:06 pm

Meh. Rhino, seeings we'd already decided you should have admin, that didn't perturb me so much.

It was more a case of suddenly Glitter has admin. This is nothing against Glitter, I'm sure she's an awesome person (I haven't had the chance to talk to her properly yet). But firstly we didn't need another admin, we would already have had 12. And secondly, you guys weren't even asked if you thought she should have admin or not. Ice already knows my thoughts on this matter. He knows I'm not impressed.
She'll probably do a fantastic job and I still say gratz on getting admin... *leaves this train of thought behind*

I dunno. I just don't like admin/leader abuse of any sort and to me, it felt like leader abuse.

I never said that DillTank should cop shit. But the way it was put across made it seem like he just bailed on this clan because he wasn't given admin and he was offered it elsewhere.

I know I'd be welcome to add the TFG tag if I wanted to. But I want to wait for DOA because they got me back into gun game and they looked after me really well so if I joined TFG, I'd feel like I was bailing on them and I'm all about the loyalty. Which is why DillTank running off like that irked me so much. I don't think I said anything bad about him as a person, and if I did, then my apologies to DillTank. It just felt like all he wanted was the admin privs.
Since I could be in this clan with admin but instead I'm waiting on being just a member in DOA, I find it difficult to understand someone running off to another clan just because they can has admin there instead.

Hey, I never said I was perfect.

And FYI. I probably won't disappear or stop contributing. Even if I'd said I was leaving for good and never logging back in TFG ever again, I'd still have shown up again next day and been all "I'M SORRY D: I LOVE YOU ALL" =P

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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by Ice Cube Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:10 pm

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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by ScarletTourniquet Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:12 pm

<3 Ice ^_^

Sorry I was a bit of a cow last night...

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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by Ice Cube Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:36 pm

Razz its kk
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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by glitterguts Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:11 am

I have several thoughts.

Firstly I realize I've not been here long and my opinion counts, but not as much as the rest of you who have been here longer.

Secondly. Dilltank is too immature, from what I have seen, to be given admin. I admire the way he left TFG in the firs place, he was very polite and didn't just leave without notice, but he still left for the primary reason of getting admin. I heard talk that there was a problem with him getting admin in his current clan, which would explain the sudden jump back. Dilltank; you deliberately wounded me the other night because YOUR OWN ACTIONS got you muted, I was not the only one complaining about your manner of speech, and you were warned at least twice. You have spoken disrespectfully and abusively to me in the past and continued on after I've said "Stop.". This is partly to blame for me thinking you too immature to be in a position of power. I know you're a nice enough guy, I can see that for myself, but I think you need to take more direction from the admins who talk to you, because you come across as either a) not listening or b) thinking yourself above the rules.

Thirdly, and this is directed primarily at you Scarlet, although I'm not trying to offend you or anything.
I didn't want admin in the first place, you can ask Irish, Icecube or Sic_as if it makes you feel better. When the topic was brought up with my I gave several reasons as to why I didn't want it, yours included. I didn't want to feel that I was usurping what I thought was not MY right. I didn't want to seem like I was coming along and getting everythig handed to me, because I was a girl or otherwise. I knew that SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, would kick up a stink about me getting it because others were asking. I admire the fact that at least you've said it in public and I can give an answer to what seems like a disguised inquiry. I personally don't like having admin, there have been servers where I have had it, and then been put in a position where a) I can't have fun and b)have to use it, which I hate doing. I told all 3 people who asked me if I wanted admin that I would be absolutely fine with nothing, but that if it came down to it, all I wanted was mute. I think it was Sic_as that really sort of made it happen, for completely different reasons than I would have liked. It was basically given to me because icecube and sic believe that I should be able to "defend" myself if people get abusive towards me. I disagree with this, I'm a big girl and I can look after myself. They already know what I think about this, and if you want to discuss it further with anyone, at anytime, I suggest you talk to sic as I'm positive he can shed more light on it than I can.

TLDR; I'm a bitch who thinks he doesn't deserve it and I'm ungrateful.

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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by ScarletTourniquet Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:44 am

I'm sorry I didn't ask for your side of the story, I should have known better.

But my two main issues were a) we already have too many admin and b) no one was asked about it. I don't have a problem with you as a person having admin. It was for the aforementioned reasons that I didn't like it.

I still say 13 admin for 30 odd members is far too many. At this stage, I really can't see the clan needing more than 7 admin, provided they're chosen well enough that there is at least one around at all times.

But what's done is done. Just don't give any more admin out until TFG reaches like 100 members >_<


Regardless of how long you've been around for, your opinion always matters just as much as everyone else's. Especially now that you're admin.

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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by {Irish} Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:59 am

One thing Ice mentioned to me was that if you dont include the people who are either owners/leaders/captains i think there are about 6 other admins outside of the groups i mentioned.

just as a wind up for Glitter "I'm a big girl" ... I thought you said you weren't a whale Razz lols
just teasing muahahah we luvs ya

But seriously I am glad Glitter is able to shut up a player, or even kick them if they get to offensive and don't stop the ragging on her or females in general when asked.
and Glitter knows best when that boundary has been crossed.

It is great to see girls on CSS but unfortunately there are to many immature offensive jerks who have an inflated opinon of themselves and believe they are funny coming out with overly offensive, sexist, inappropriate comments.
These players need to be put back in their place and learn some respect and manners.

Also as a note, and this addresses a point browny brought up regarding DillTank but also applies to any player/member found in the same situation.
If a player/member is on and there aren't any admin on at that particluar time, and people are abusing the server rules, whether that be camping, offensive sprays, verbal or text abuse, and they are told to stop and dont, use the forums and bring it to our attention. If one of the admins are online PM them and ask them to come into the game.

The discussion about DillTank has strayed a little off course, Yes I think he is a good and decent guy, Yes he was polite and up front when he left the clan, but I believe that admin should be given to members who not only have shown they are loyal to the clan but also show that they are of the type of character to use it wisely and are given that TRUST for the right reasons.
This is done when the need arises for a new admin to be added to the lists, at the moment there probably isn't a need for any more admins at the moment, but in time as the clan grows, and we put up more servers, there will be.
So guys just have a little patience, support the clan, encourage friends to come on and GG with us and as our membership grows more admins will be added in time.

If you are interested in becoming an admin in the future let Ice know and we can make a list for future reference.
But for the time being chill, have fun and game hard Very Happy

Note: just don't knife Irish to often please lols
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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by BlueRhino Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:06 am

Sweet as Scarlet im a happy chappy xD
pffft you and your loyalty (JOKING!!)

yeah right Irish good luck with that, knify knify you you, for him and her and me and YOU!!! lookout buddy Razz
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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by {Irish} Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:10 am

need eyes in the back of me head lols
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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by BlueRhino Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:13 am

haha that wont help, ima creep inside you like a warm kitten!
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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by {Irish} Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:19 am

ok speed hacks on, just need to run faster

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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by BlueRhino Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:29 am

faster stonger harder?
im sorry but i dont swing that way hahahaha
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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by {Irish} Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:46 am

thats good Razz wasnt meant that way heheheh
was thinking of iron man heheh

read your story / legend hehe
good stuff
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DILLTANK dservs it. :) - Page 2 Empty Re: DILLTANK dservs it. :)

Post by ScarletTourniquet Mon Feb 08, 2010 7:15 am

*sings the song Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by Daft Punk* xD

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