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Admin Commands

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Admin Commands Empty Admin Commands

Post by Ice Cube Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:46 pm

hey i just typed up all i can think of with a bit of help from my friend Google.

ma_admins - Shows list of players in the server with admin
ma_immunity - Shows information on the users that are immune
ma_akick_ip - Kicks player by IP address
ma_akick_name [url=] - Kicks player by name
ma_balance - Balances teams
ma_blind - Blinds player
ma_beacon - Sets Beacon on player
ma_cexec Slay - Slays player
ma_cexec "Say " - makes that player appear to have typed that text
ma_cexec Drop - makes player drop weapon
ma_csay - types in the middle of the screen during play (white writing)
ma_chat -types to admins only in game
ma_explode - makes explosion noise where u r located (if dead then who u r speccing)
ma_game - Shows the current game description
ma_give - gives weapon
ma_sethealth - sets players health
ma_help - Shows most of the commands you can run from the server console/client console/in game chat
ma_kick - kicks player
ma_map - changes to the selected map
ma_mapcycle - Shows what the plug-in thinks is in the mapcycle.txt file
ma_maplist - shows all maps
ma_msay - This displays an AMX style box with your message in it. The time parameter is the number of seconds the box is shown for, a time of 0 is infinite. The message can have line breaks denoted by using a \n in the message
ma_mute <1|0> - mutes player
ma_votequestion - Vote Question

now, most the "ma" commands can be used for all players. so where it says "" simply put "#all". for example:

"ma_cexec #all slay" put into console will slay all players alive.
"ma_cexec #all drop" put into console will make all players with guns out drop them.

another nifty trick is u dnt have to go to console to do it all !!!!
if u go to normal chat "y" and type "@ma_cexec #all slay" then that command will work.
It will say "Run Slay Command" directly under it in yellow. but only u cn see that.

Please let me know if any are incorrect or u have some more to add.

- Ice Cube
Ice Cube
Ice Cube
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Posts : 1219
Join date : 2010-02-01
Age : 83
Location : Adelaide, SA

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