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Admin Rules

Ice Cube
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Admin Rules Empty Admin Rules

Post by Hykariki Sun Jan 31, 2010 12:09 pm

Alright Guy's now i know having admin is fun and all trust me i know, but there are rules of having this power i know that rules are lame too but even im going to be following them

There are to be No Admin abusing at all,if you are going to abuse admin be sure there is no one on the server or it's with other TFG member's that wont mind and BE SURE THEIR OK WITH IT!!!

If Your going to tell someone not to camp and you slay them be sure your not actually camping yourself first because then you'll just be making us look bad

do not and i will repeat this DO NOT SPAM THOSE FUCKING SOUND'S!!! sure their cool and everything but far out their only good in small doses

If you have a personal grudge against someone or you have had bad gaming experience with a previous person dont even think about banning them if they turn out to be dick on the server and break the rules then you have permission to ban them for 5 minute's NOT PERMO!!

now please don't ever permo ban a player without running it past either me,ice cube,Browny or irish and if you do permo ban someone and keep it yourself I WILL FIND OUT ABOUT IT!!

here is a list of the step's of admin before having permission to ban

(Camper's: Warn 3 time's,Slay,slay,kick (if they keep coming back and doing the same thing ban for five minute's)

(course language: if they say "cunt" or "nigger" tell them not to say it if they continue mute them for 5 minute's,when the mute is over if they continue kick if they rejoin and keep going then ban for 30 minute's)

(Verbal abuse toward an admin: abusing an admin is against the rules so tell them to STFU if they continue ban for 24 hour's

(for that note any abuse toward any other player mute for 5 minute's if it continues after the mute is over ban for 24 hour's

If i have left anything out please let me know Smile follow these rule's and the game will go smoothly
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Admin Rules Empty Re: Admin Rules

Post by Ice Cube Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:42 pm

yea man fair enuf. anyone that says they dont like me gets admin taken away!!! hehe JOKESSSS
Ice Cube
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Admin Rules Empty Re: Admin Rules

Post by Ice Cube Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:33 pm


// *****************************************************************************
// Plugin : Mani Admin Plugin
// Filename : wordfilter.txt
// Last Updated : 2009/07/21
// Description : Add words that will get autocensored from the chat
// *****************************************************************************
// Insert your words that you want to be filtered
// from chat here in this file
// C**nt
Ice Cube
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Admin Rules Empty Re: Admin Rules

Post by Ice Cube Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:34 pm

Ice Cube
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Admin Rules Empty Re: Admin Rules

Post by SeMi Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:24 am

definately ice**ube... like :O!

its so naughty...

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Admin Rules Empty Re: Admin Rules

Post by SeMi Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:24 am

but seriously, cant think of anything atm. but will deffinately be posting when i do.

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Admin Rules Empty Re: Admin Rules

Post by {Irish} Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:33 am

One thing i would add is if you come accross a player who is hacking, spec them and get a demo of them, if you do that i have no problem with a perm ban.
Players who have spent even a little time on servers already know that this isn't tolerated.
Also if you have a justifiable reason to ban a person, there should be some explanation as to why you have done it. whether you use cut n paste copying text abuse from ingame chat or write a brief description as to why you banned them and post it.
This is for 2 reasons, firstly it covers your actions if they want to complain and get it lifted (more relevent to bans of over 7 days ... ie perm, as a 1 day ban would be over before they get around to complaining) ..... secondly it gives a history of a players actions if they repeatedly come on the server and abuse the people on it or the rules of the server.
heheh with authority comes responsibility and that sometimes means "paperwork" and keeping a record of some things lols
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Admin Rules Empty Re: Admin Rules

Post by Ice Cube Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:38 pm

Ice Cube
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Admin Rules Empty Re: Admin Rules

Post by Hykariki Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:02 am

yeah true that.....i didnt think about that
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Admin Rules Empty Re: Admin Rules

Post by D3m0n1k Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:24 pm

Too Lenient ive seen the admins online, Some1 camps they get warned like 30 times then maybe 1 slay then they dont do it for like 3 rounds, then they camp again..... Admins need to grow a lil bit more balls

Back when i was admin of DGC/BP servers I was told i was too lenient when some1 was breaking the rules, and i was alot more strict then the current admins....

Eg. Not aloud to say C-bomb or N-Bomb Some1 would say it id warn them then if they say it again i slayed them.... then if they said it a third time it would be a kick + 5min ban if they came back on admin abusing it was Mute, Explain Then 7day ban

Gotta be Harsher... Admins have to Use their powers in stead of standing there going " Hey....hey dont do that... aww yep yep cant hear me, hey hey guy stop" gotta be more like HEY! DONT CAMP *SLAY* HEY I WARNED U TO NOT CAMP *Slay* OH THATS IT UR CAMPING AGAIN *Kick 5min ban*

Get some nuts into ya, ive come on under random alias' with a mate on the mic camping doing all kinds of shit with admins on and all they do is like hey no.... stop it, got warned about camping like 30 times... think i got slain 3 Times in total, over like 3 weeks... Twice by Jess and once by Superman

/end rant
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Admin Rules Empty Re: Admin Rules

Post by Hykariki Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:56 pm

yeah nah man

superman and i were talking and we came to the decision that

if you camp, you get slayed straight up

when you slay them put up your bind up (THIS IS A NON CAMPING SERVER TYPE motd AND READ OUR SERVER RULES) then if they do it again do the same thing

then kick them
if they come back abusing you kick them again and if it continues ban them for however long you like

too bad the admins dont read this :/
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Admin Rules Empty Re: Admin Rules

Post by D3m0n1k Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:05 pm

Yeah man, or they read it and forget it.... Superman may be accused of "Admin Abuse" but he doesnt abuse, he Uses his power, i think every admin needs to take a leaf outa his book and Show some balls

Top stuff with the Insta slay

have to come on some day and test u guys out
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Admin Rules Empty Re: Admin Rules

Post by SuperMan Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:24 pm

Wow SuperMan getting KUDOS I love it...

Thanks guys, I Love this game... but hate the stupid people that ruin it for the rest of us. TFG rules are simple to follow and I have asked some of the other admins.. I wont mention any names but I asked why certain players where getting away with their behavior and the reply I got was "I couldnt be bothered having to write up a ban report"

FFS you are an ADMIN for a reason, either do the job or hand the postion back... I hate being considered the "bad guy" but if the rules need to be enforced, I will be there to enforce them.

Thanks for the backup demonik and Hykariki and Ice Cube... I do tell people who want to complain our forum web address funny how few of them follow thru and complain.

The evil SuperMan Twisted Evil

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Admin Rules Empty Re: Admin Rules

Post by D3m0n1k Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:56 am

Man if they are too lazy to write bans up on forums ill do it for em just gimme details like Steam ID and reason why.... Not exactly hard

More admins need to be like Superman....infact Superman is our only real "Man of steel" if u get my Meaning....

I put it to whoever reads this to Go onto our server under a different name, Raise a lil hell (not too much) and just see how much it takes before an admin gets off his ass and uses his/her abilities to actually do something...... When our servers are up and everythings fine... i better get atleast a 5min ban on one of my alias' or ill be disappointed in our admins.... and i have access to around 4 steam accounts.... and if you think it might just be me fkn around dont Hold back.... Ban me, and ill send u an ingame message congratulating u on ur balls gettin dropped

If our current admins arent gunna do anything i put forward my name as a Superman apprentice. SuperBoy

I like writing long ass shit for people to read threw....
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Admin Rules Empty Re: Admin Rules

Post by SuperMan Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:08 am

I have already either kicked or banned u havent i demonic?

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Admin Rules Empty Re: Admin Rules

Post by BlueRhino Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:15 am

I am hoping im an exeption.
I havn't had to ban anyone simply because i havn't had to.
I think a better approach towards lazy admins is talking to them one on one, and if they continue to be slack talk to a leader.. dont have a run of comments directed at all admins making the rest of us feel unappreciated.
Good work Superman you smexy man beast (:
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Admin Rules Empty Re: Admin Rules

Post by SuperMan Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:40 am


Nah just kidding thanks guys... I believe the exceptions to this post are ICE (He is a prick) Hyka, and Blue Rhino... the rest of the admins just need to get a feel for how to correctly admin...

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Admin Rules Empty Re: Admin Rules

Post by D3m0n1k Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:16 pm

Yes superman u have kicked me slayed me and Banned me (5mins)
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Admin Rules Empty Re: Admin Rules

Post by xOx JeSs xOx Sat May 01, 2010 5:20 pm

Ok im a nice person in rl and i dont like abuse etc and how can i grow balls if im a girl huh? Razz
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