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no one is probly ganna read.

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Post by digitaL Sun Feb 21, 2010 1:31 pm

wow where the fuck do i start. im 15, 16 in less then 2 months, i dont smoke, i dont do drugs, but i love drinking
wow i hate love, and relationships all they do is fuck me up,
lost my best friend in 2009 and my uncle in 2006 i lost my uncle(basicly my dad) = he killed himself and i was the one that found him. sigh i wish he was here,
ever since life has sucked arse
mum beats the fuck out of me when she wants to.
dad never stops screaming at me,
i feel like just running away...
i got no friends, i rely on internet for everything in my life.... and i hate it.
i had the love of my life 10 months ago. she broke up with me 10 months ago and ever since i havent been able to move on, and a few days ago she said all this crap to me saying she wished she never went out with me and regrets it and shit
i live off my mums centerlink money... all my clothes dont fit me, all to small, all my shoes are ripped, but what can i do...
yeah im emo, i hate to say it but yeah
when i play css i just hide everything away and pretend to be happy when im hurting every minute of the day,,
i write peoms and songs,
i love soccer, music, screamo.
all i ever get about me is im ugly and i should go kill myself and wow does that piss me off.
i got depression.... i hardly sleep, eat, drink.
im 62kgs. most is muscle.
im the uglyest C**nt alive.
i could go on for about a hour but better not.
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Post by epitaph Sun Feb 21, 2010 1:37 pm

Mate, you're not the ugliest c*nt... when i first sore your picture in the pictures thread, i thought ZOMG I WANT HIS HAIR IT LOOKS MAD!.

And churr, screamo ftw boii =D
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Post by Hykariki Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:04 pm


nah your smexy man id grab me some of that and twist it around

slap abit of dat ass then smex it all week

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Post by Goddess Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:36 pm

Ohh yeah scremo FTW xD

& yess, epitaph is right, your hair is niceee!

I wanna touch hyks...:O
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Post by Ice Cube Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:26 am

hey if u wanna touch hyka cause of screamo i finally found a reason to like it! lol jokes

digi bro, u aint ugly, check my pic. u will feel better
Ice Cube
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Post by Easy Off Bam Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:39 pm

Digi, You fucking terd nugget Very Happy

Mk first off your kewl and i like you and im gonna stop now Very Happy

2nd If everything so shitty it must be going uphill noe Very Happy

If you die im gonna kill you

I swearz ill do it im a dinosawrz
Easy Off Bam
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Post by Hykariki Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:05 pm

hahahahaha lol Bam fuck up i lol'd so hard at that
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Post by Ice Cube Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:21 pm

me too rofl
Ice Cube
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Post by digitaL Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:09 pm

can i die now... i serously cant be fucked with life anymore. everyday i go 2 school and when i get home all i feel like doing is crying and cutting and shit. i just cant fucking do it anymore.
just had a argument wif hyk and i just relised im not worth the trouble therefore i wont be playing much css and more dying... sorry guys but i just cant anymore.
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Post by NuTkaSe Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:20 pm

Take it at a day at a time brother, thats how I did it. To go through what you went through and yet your still here, your a strong person.

So your mum hits you, your dad hells at you. So what do you do? Be better then them. show the world and yourself that your better then them, that you can take it and come out better.

You say you want to run away that you have no friends, have you thought about waiting till your 18 and joining the military or anything like that. Something that gives you a good start in your adult life and gets you away from all the negative aspects of your life.

You cannot be the ugliest guy alive as you have not seen my face yet Smile
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Post by BlueRhino Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:37 pm

Dude you've hit rock bottom in depression, we can give you all the advice in the world but in the end it come down to YOU! i've been there, hyks been there and so have a million others, we get offered guidance but if you want to change your life its up to YOU. it wont be easy and it wont happen overnight but if you make it to the other side you will realise you've made it through hell and you can make it through anything. We cant help the upbringing we have, but we reach a point where we are independant where we might not have a grip on life but we can always grab the steering wheel and point life in the direction we want to go. Its your choice, you can love your parents but leave them, you can ring kids help line and get some adults who you can depend on while you find yourself. Or you can wake up every morning for the next few years in a bed full of sorrow and walking to school not wanting to be there & walking back from school not wanting to go home. Love your parents for trying, leave your parents to a better place.

Run away and you'll be in a worser hell.
Make it through these years at home suffering severe depression.
Or call kids help line and start the healing process.

This is my advice man, but again it all comes down to YOU!
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Post by Hykariki Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:23 pm

when it comes to Getting hit by your parents yes i will say it fucking drags you down a mile

my dad being a big buff mother fucker full pounding my head and trying to smother me with a pillow while i was asleep certainly is no fun i will admit

i havge had help yes Digi it did help...a little all it did was stop me from taking my own life which to this day i sometimes argue with myself

but you cant let this your parents stop you from wanting to live

The Rhino who is blue is right man dont let this drag you down and dont let yourself runaway coz you will end up in a worse situation then you were

see now at least you had a roof over your head but while you were 12 i was sleeping under the invermay bridge hoping to die of the chills (or what ever you fuckign call it)

Death is the end and if your gonna let the devil take you like he did to me

youll know what pain is

if your willing to take yourself away then your weak

show your parents your stronger

work out get fit

when the day can show them what they did to you all that time catch my drift
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Post by epitaph Sun Mar 14, 2010 3:54 pm

^ that.

Well said hyk.
I myself have tried all this cutting shit and all, and yeh, i'll admit i don't have it half as bad as any of you's but even through what i have experienced this still comes to be the best advice.

I almost died in hospital but they resuscitated me, and to this day, sometimes i wish they hadn't BUT then i come to realise.. i have it brilliant.

Just be strong man, that's all i can say. Like Rhino said, it's upto you.

If you require help, even if it just be someone to talk to, i'm sure any one of us would be most willing to have a chat, bro.
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Post by xOx JeSs xOx Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:09 am

Digi srsly u are smexy 2 me and u are sweet 2 me and i like u 4 that if u killed urself i would bring u back 2 life with my magical smexy powers and slap u and say DONT DO THAT SILLY WE WUV UUUUUUUUUUUU
And about ur hair *plays with it* i like i like ^_^
I know how u feel if ur'v read my story i also have depression take pills etc and i learn 2 move on and ive had pretty shit bfs aswell
srsly my ex wanted my mum only went out with me 2 get 2 her...... and 1 stabbed me 4 dumping him 4 cheating!!!!! whats up with that!!!!
All i have 2 say is dw be happy ^_^ we allllllllll here 4 ya
xOx JeSs xOx
xOx JeSs xOx
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Post by D3m0n1k Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:47 pm

If you need some time away from your family you can come stay with me my mate and my MUMMY lol, Maybe we can help get ur head around some of the shit.. one of my mates atm was around the same track your running, he lives with me now and he's gone off and got an apprenticeship and is doin good... Me im just a lazy guy too lazy for workin n junk but if u need some time away from ur fam u can come stay with me bro... aint got much but ur cool to share it Smile
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Post by Hykariki Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:03 pm

see digi

we do care man
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Post by D3m0n1k Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:09 pm

Oh and that Offer goes to anyone who needs some time off if u live in Vic or have means to get here and back home....

shit even if u just wanna come down for a weekend hook up some Brews and take u on our Tour of intensity.

Yeah we aint got much to do in my bumsville town...

49% of the Town is Deros 40% is emos rest is Parents and normal Joes
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Post by ando_xr6 Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:50 pm

Dude i was never beatn or tortured as a kid as by the sounds of the rest of TFG has. But we all hav our stories 2 tell and we've all been thro hard times in our lifes hell "its life" iv been 18 and lost and confuzd bout where my life is going. hell im 23 and only 2 weeks ago was ready 2 sell everyfin and juz leave. but i knew deep down that was the wrong thing 2 do kooz the problem would still b there when i got back. Lil bro if u ever wanna talk im here if u live in perth iv got a place 4 u 2 live and juz like d3mon1k that goes out 2 all TFG iv only known all of u for a short amount of time but more then willing 2 give u a pick me up when ur down. Were all here 4 ya brother Very Happy

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