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Read I Will Respect A Love You Much =]

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Read I Will Respect A Love You Much =] Empty Read I Will Respect A Love You Much =]

Post by BlueRhino Sun Mar 14, 2010 4:28 pm

I have a free mind and for many more years i need my own freedom and need to make myself who i wish to be! And at this age everyone has their own dreams! Jim Morrison once said that the body was the soul's prison unless the five senses are fully developed and open. He considered the senses the 'windows of the soul.' I dont want any more on my conscionce than whats already there, im still trying to find freedom within myself and from the land =]

One thing i miss about weed, if i smoked too much for too long id forget myself but if i didnt at all id lose my mind. Stop thinking. Its just this city, i cant stand it i cant stand the people i lose sanity, they walk past homeless kids and pretend they're not fucking there. Our schools drum in our heads to work for money so we can buy happiness, why arn't we taught only to take from the land what we need, to love and care for eachother, to question everything we hear and see, to appreciate life & that killing people to 'spread peace' is our government expanding the empire their power and the fucking cash in their banks. Why is it that each year percentages in depression are on the increase in Western society but no one speaks up, no one questions. Why? maybe because to expose your ideas your dreams before a crowd is to risk rejection, to expose feelings is to risk revealing your true self. but risking nothing is the greatest mistake in life you lose your senses and become nothing. Walk around like a fucking zombie like those bastards i see everyday in the city.

Different drugs increase and decrease activity in different parts of your brain, if you spend time actually thinking on drugs you can see something in a completely different perspective and you realise things that have stared you in the face your whole life, wether its about the world or something about yourself! i think all drugs are beautiful but all drugs are dangerous even weed, but if you take drugs with the right perspective and dont take so many over time so a chemical inbalance sends you bonkers than drugs can open your eyes to life and truths in the world that will change your fate for the best!!!
Those Heros i posted are examples of men who were truly free. But never stopped the drugs and left this world too early for its own good.

You can think im a crackhead. But at the end of the day, do you have this going through your mind?


Thought i'd add the rest, a friend wrote back;
And when things like that happen, homeless kids being ignored. I think, you just have to worry about yourself first, you can only change the world one step at a time, and it always starts with and within yourself. Sort that out first dear! It's not school I don't think. It's who and how we grow up, I think. Most of what we learn at school is by the book, it's logic and it's organised. Life isn't logical and organised. So when you're thinking about that stuff, and the people that don't love and care for each other. They were most probably never taught to love and care, themselves. So how can they do it, if they don't know it?

What i was saying about school as you said 'they were most probably never taught to love and care' thats what im saying! they shouldnt leave it to parents to teach that, they should teach morals, ethics, love and appreciation IN SCHOOL. Why dont they? the world would be so much better off!

What do they talk about on the news love? how often do they speak about things that bring people together, our similarities?? All they do is divide us, talk about things that make us different! (race, religion, national background, jobs, income, education, social status, sexuality) anything they can do to keep us the middle and lower class fighting so they the rich can run off with all the fucking money. Who are the rich? The ruling class and the way any ruling class in the world is run is with money (power) and seperating the people!!

Through all of history in every country.
~Religion in history not so much these days =]

Last edited by BlueRhino on Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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Read I Will Respect A Love You Much =] Empty Re: Read I Will Respect A Love You Much =]

Post by NuTkaSe Sun Mar 14, 2010 4:42 pm

So dead on point, it's not funny. Though I do not agree with you 100% on the drug taking, mainly because I work in the Mental Health sector and I see the effects of drugs everyday clouds my views.

Humanity and care for your fellow person has gone out the window and replaced with personnel greed and ignorance.

So sad to see that the average person lives for the next pay day, what does that say for us as a human being.
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Read I Will Respect A Love You Much =] Empty Re: Read I Will Respect A Love You Much =]

Post by epitaph Sun Mar 14, 2010 4:46 pm

Just like your quote in your other post:
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.'' - Jimmy Hendrix.
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Read I Will Respect A Love You Much =] Empty Re: Read I Will Respect A Love You Much =]

Post by BlueRhino Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:05 am

Cheers guys =]
Nutkase i know what your saying i've lost a few friends to drugs myself to bad trips change of personality, psychosis at the moment my mum is fighting cocaine addiction and has become completely self absorbed. But as i said, to me all drugs are dangerous all drugs are beautiful. I dont have any regrets or feel any pain for the people i have lost and things i have seen, drugs helped me along the way and so did those people but they either took to much, or they're brains were too fucked up to handle it. Drugs open up your mind, people just need to learn when enough is enough. If i lost my parents to drugs my views would not change, the drugs are dangerous but fine while the people are dangerous and fucked. The bad trips i've experienced are when something reminded me of previous times, if there were no fucked adults guiding children their would be no fucked children and i beleive as a world we would have a much more tolerance to drug taking. =]
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Post by meerkat Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:56 am



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Read I Will Respect A Love You Much =] Empty Re: Read I Will Respect A Love You Much =]

Post by BlueRhino Thu May 13, 2010 1:22 pm

m just commenting to make this come up on portal again..
i didnt write all that for 3 members to question their perspective Wink
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Post by Reaper Thu May 13, 2010 2:45 pm

Weed <3.


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