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Broken Heart

Ice Cube
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Broken Heart Empty Broken Heart

Post by Hykariki Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:20 pm

here's another bed time story for you kid's

when i was 16 i was living with my best (at the time),in a place called Cressy , a little country town outside of longford.

when i started going to college,i took a photography class, there i started checking out this beautiful girl, named Samantha,after a while we got talking,after trading each others life stories,we started slowly falling in love,it came to a point that she was the only ,i could think about, everyday it was only getting worse,so eventually i swallowed my nuts, and asked the girl i loved if she loved me too....
"i have something to say....i dont know how to say it,so im just gonna spit it out..."
"well?....go on"
"i love you....ive always loved you"
" you....feel the same way?"
"i do.."
after that we started dating,when it came to it,you wouldn't see me,without her there too,i became her first for everything...someone so beautiful...and i was her first kiss
but of course,the closer we got the worse the fights got,we were only kid's after 3 months of dating,i stayed at her place for the night,and that night....she wanked someone off for the first time....eventually i came to a point where i didnt wanna live so far when i heard that my mum came back to tassie i took the first chance i could to move in with mum, and how funny...after two weeks of living with mum in her granny flat...she already said she was going to Hobart for a while (funny how she never came back). so i call mum asking when she was coming back -->after three weeks<-- she says she is in the main land like wtf? she was going to Hobart. i freaked out,went to samantha's house, we was having our 5 months anniversary that day,i wasnt going to let anything ruin it,so i went to her place with a bouquet of flowers and we had sex for hours....for the first time....for her anyway...after that we was having sex 4-5 times A DAY, we tried it without condoms and she said it felt better without being a 16 YR old boy under the thumb i did what i was told and stopped wearing them...eventually i stopped seeing my friends she wouldn't let me i stopped going to collegeshe wouldn't let me all i was allowed to do was see her and fuck the bitch

but i wasnt enough for when she heard that her friend jake had moved to Launceston from devo she was psyched....but it came to a point where he was seeing her more then "I" was so i started questioning this fucking situation she started calling ME a control freak:/ funny that \: so earlier on my older brother and i had a fight and i said i was moving out...alot of shit happened then but i wont go into it so it came to me living in a homeless boy shelter Going to bed when they say eating when they allow it having to wake up at 7-8am at the latest everyday fuck im a gamer the last thing i wanna do is wake up in the am.....eventually they kicked me out because i couldnt pay rent.....140$ a fortnight ok i was living on 145$ center link every night after that i slept at Samantha's house every night we lied in bed and all i could was cry....i was alone...i had no family no friends no home no hope....yes cairns wasnt the first time i wanted to fucking kill my bum arse off this fucking planet and go to fucking hell and live with the devil

ok so im out looking for something....anything...something that would get me on my feet...nothing came im hanging with the only friend i have left....i get a call from Samantha...she's balling her eyes out pissed as a fucking nit...saying she just cheated on me....with Jake....

i cried i screamed i punched shit i threw shit
i was going hunting :)
and hey.....i knew where he lived i kicked the cunts door in his freaking out tried running out the back door straight up...pussy didn't even try fighting me...either way i was going to kill him.
so I'm throwing around his house his begging me to stop and all i didn't even get to the assaulting yet.he screamed and cried and to fuck the dog up i punched his throat.i kept pumbling his fucking face his blood...was literally....everywhere,then i stopped and i thought about what i was doing...i was about to kill this C**nt and i didn't give to shits...i was happy beating him to death so why was i stopping?......i don't know but i left there pretty fucking for Samantha and i? we kept seeing each other she promised not to do that yep we kept doing our thing....ok so i'm hanging with my mate ONCE AGAIN and i get a call AGAIN!!!she's crying again and i thought she'd fucked another guy behind my back....turns out she just wanted me to come up...apparently it was urgent...when i got there she locked herself in the bathroom...
"Michael i took a pregnancy test..."
i freaked right out, i kept trying to open the door i was only 16 i wasnt ready for a baby...but be DAMNED if i wasnt going to love it with everything i had
"YOU WORTHLESS C**nt MICHAEL LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!! im fucking pregnant and its all your fault *gasp*"

she's punching herself in the stomach winding herself im fucking panicking telling her to open the door,trying to kick it down...i couldn't do a thing she wasnt opening the door...all i could do was listen to her as she suffered....i called her mum told her everything that happened she freaked out and showed up not even 5 minutes....i went outside and had a smoko crying to myslef hoping for the best...i look over my shoulder and see Samantha's mum dragging her to Samantha's bedroom i went in and asked if i could do anything Sam's mum said
"no Michael i think you've done enough" it wasn't in a good way either
I peared into the bathroom and saw a small puddle of blood....a tear rolled down my eye as i looked around the room...i slowly walked out of the house,just as i reached the front door i looked over my shoulder and said quietly "Goodbye Samantha...I Love You" i kept walking and turned my phone off...permanently

Last edited by Hykariki on Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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Broken Heart Empty Re: Broken Heart

Post by epitaph Fri Apr 23, 2010 2:55 am

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Broken Heart Empty Re: Broken Heart

Post by BlueRhino Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:45 am

Im gobsmacked hyk that one hit me a lot harder than the first. As i've said before man i know what you share on forums is just the tip of an Iceburg im here to talk to ANYTIME YOU WANT or if you just want someone to abuse ~preferably sexuallly~ to release some stress im here for that too haha.
Lova ya Hyk
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Broken Heart Empty Re: Broken Heart

Post by Hykariki Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:35 am

Smile kk rhino ily

<3 Epitaph
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Broken Heart Empty Re: Broken Heart

Post by D3m0n1k Fri Apr 23, 2010 2:15 pm

<3 Love u bro I got ur back Smile
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Broken Heart Empty Re: Broken Heart

Post by Ice Cube Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:18 pm

i got ur back.... bit too much, but u like that <3
Ice Cube
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Broken Heart Empty Re: Broken Heart

Post by ScarletTourniquet Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:09 am

Nothing I can say but you know the deal <3

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Broken Heart Empty Re: Broken Heart

Post by Hykariki Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:17 am

i actually cried while writing this....its never fun going down my memory lane
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Broken Heart Empty Re: Broken Heart

Post by ScarletTourniquet Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:48 am


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Broken Heart Empty Re: Broken Heart

Post by xOx JeSs xOx Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:09 am

Hyk <3...... Just <3 im here if ya need 2 talk
xOx JeSs xOx
xOx JeSs xOx
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Broken Heart Empty Re: Broken Heart

Post by NuTkaSe Mon Apr 26, 2010 9:45 am

Your welcome to snuggle with me anytime.
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Broken Heart Empty Re: Broken Heart

Post by TRIDENT Mon May 03, 2010 10:10 am

gahhh dont hyk as much off a country as i can be to anyone ther is only very few ppl i actually like hyk ur one and ice cube is another brahhh u every need any thing cuzzz give us a ring ill send yea my number in a message aiiight bro
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