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Worrying moments

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Worrying moments Empty Worrying moments

Post by FaTa|_ Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:09 am

I had a very worrying moment last night on the train on the way to a concert. I almost completely passed out and ended up with the entire train compartment staring at me and asking if they could take me to hospital. It seems to me this is probably due to some massive drop in blood pressure but i have no idea what is causing it. At first i thought well it could be alcohol, but i had only 1 drink before then. So i thought well it could be pot, but Ive been smoking for more than 6 years heavily and on this occasion i had only 3 cones before going out. This has happened once before recently at my mates house i had 1 beer and 2 cones and i got up from my seat to go to the toilet. I was having a piss and the next thing i know my friend was waking me up on the floor of the toilet and i had smacked my head as i fell.

This episode on the train i was standing up and i managed to keep myself standing despite the fact half the time my eyes were closed and i barely knew what was going on. It was taking all my mental effort just to stay standing and holding onto that pole. I remember as it was happening i could hear my friends asking if i was ok and i was aware that everyone in the train was a bit weirded out by what was happening.I guess to them it would have looked like this completely sober looking guy has suddenly gone completely legless drunk looking for no reason.

I managed to stay awake long enough until some lady got up from her chair and told my mates to sit me down in it, at which point the world came swirling back within a matter of seconds and i felt fine... perfectly fine in fact... better than before it happened. I was absolutely pouring sweat and no matter how many times i wiped my face seconds later it would be dripping again. Anyway i went on to go and see the concert and i even had a few drinks with out anything else happening throughout the night although i felt extremely drained of energy. The case when i passed out in my mates toilet the doctor said happened probably because the alcohol and weed had lowered my blood pressure and when i stood up suddenly and my body had to make an effort to urinate those things combined to make me lose consciousness. But this is far more worrying because i had walked to the train station perfectly fine and i was standing up the whole time on the train so there was no sudden action that should have lowered my blood pressure.

Im gonna go see the doctor again this week to see what he has to say but the whole thing has worried me because ive been smoking pot for years and these 2 episodes have only happened very recently. Has anyone else ever had something similar to this or has any insight?

It's very unnerving to be completely fucked like that all of sudden in a crowed place, i had several people offer to take me to hospital and my friends thought i was going to die or something Sad


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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by Turtle961 Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:10 am

Bad luck aye. Oi bro but what concert?

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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by FaTa|_ Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:13 am

uhhh not really concert but gig/event at metro's fremantle.

It was Devin Townsend Band.... hes progressive metal


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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by Turtle961 Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:18 am


I usually listen to hardcore metal/heavy metal/rock.
Is the lead singer or a player in band called Devin Townsend? haha.

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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by D3m0n1k Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:45 am

u need moar candies
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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by glitterguts Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:11 pm

Is it possible you might have diabetes?
If you hadn't eaten long before these episodes happened, your blood sugar could have been very low and caused you to pass out, it can also make you sweat and get sort of clammy. Did you feel hot or cold before passed out?
I can totally understand the embarrassment about being so helpless in a public place, I've got a mild form of anxiety and I've passed out a few times in public. It's a horrible feeling.

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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by epitaph Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:35 pm

It really is a horrible feeling hey >.<
I"ve had a seizure in the middle of the city.
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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by Turtle961 Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:18 pm

a seizure? lol. i had one a few months ago. was too sick and couldnt eat. had a 1 gram biscut between 4 days.

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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by epitaph Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:42 pm

Mate, i'm epileptic. I've had multiple seizures and migraines (like, i was screaming thats how bad the migraine's were).. it's really not nice eh >.<
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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by FaTa|_ Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:38 pm

Haha turtle Devin Townsend is the lead singer of Strapping Young Lad, and Devin Townsend Band is his own project.

Um yeh glitter ive thought about that and food could have something to do with it. I planned on eating before going out but i didnt get time and the last thing i had eaten was at lunch time... i cannot really remember whether i had eaten before the first episode.

I really dont know... there is no family history of diabetes as far as im aware and while i know it can be non-hereditary ive recently had a few blood tests from the doctors for a wide range of things and they all came up fine.

Hopefully this time the doctor will have some different ideas


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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by D3m0n1k Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:57 am

Low Blood sugar, EAT MOAR CANDIES!
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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by FaTa|_ Sat Mar 20, 2010 5:21 am

yeh Demonik haha, that could be it, in between the train and the club i went into subway and ate 3 of their cookies lol


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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by BlueRhino Sat Mar 20, 2010 5:44 am

Yeah dude it happened to me a few times at work, it was when i hadnt eaten all day got blazed and then gone to work. either a mix of streneous activity before or during work would cause it or if just too much was going on around me my brain couldnt handle it id sweat change colours and pass out. Then when i came back to reality id be sweet & people would be freaking out. As long as i ate a real meal it wouldn't happen again.
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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by FaTa|_ Sat Mar 20, 2010 11:36 am

yeh rhino sounds similar
it has happened sort of before when too much was happening around me


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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by BlueRhino Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:27 am

yeah and i think when everyone freaks out and comes up going are you ok you ok it just makes you worse ^^
Hope your all sweet dude and if the doctor has any results let us know aye (;
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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by FaTa|_ Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:54 am

yeh will do


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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by FoxFtw Sun Mar 21, 2010 10:01 am

how fast did u stand up and stuff because theres this really rare condition called pots syndrome were u cant control ure blood pressure properly and it can make u pass out and stuff if u stand up to fast

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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by FaTa|_ Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:02 pm

yeh fox that happened the first time a passed out a few months ago... but the reason i find this case so scary is because i had been standing up the whole time, and had just waked from my friends house so there was no sudden change in blood pressure that should have caused it. Im beginning to think other people might be right when they say low blood sugar, hopefully the doctor this week can shed some better light


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Post by FoxFtw Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:06 pm

yeah sounds like blood sugar u just need lollies on u all the time

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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by xOx JeSs xOx Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:08 am

Fatal that has happened 2 me lots like the 1st time it happened 2 me i was at marching practice i was standing in one spot practicing my march with sticks in each hadnd i dropped one bent over 2 pick it up then woke up 2 me laying on the ground on my teachers lap crying i had smacked my head on the concrete floor when i fell from standing also had a seizure i went 2 the hospital and they kept an eye on me for 24hours then went home then the 2nd time it happened at school i was watching a first aids vid and woke up on the floor with every1 watching me they layed me on the floor and put my feet up on a chair until i felt better and the 3rd time was pretty embarressing it was just after i had sex with deadman (opps lol) he pulled me up 2 cuddle him then yet again i woke up with him shaking me screaming at me 2 wake up i was out for about 10-15mins that time i went 2 the hospital again and they kept me in there for 24hours again said my diet etc isnt good and i need 2 eat more often then the 4th time i smoked and had alcohol after finishing my sesh i felt dizzy and my chest and left arm was sore i sat down thinking it would fix it but it didnt i woke up again with deadman and my mates yelling at me 2 wake up and shaking me i had gashed my head open it was bleeding and i was out for about 25mins i went 2 hospital again and yet again they think it was my diet i reacon i eat well and it shouldnt happen this often if it was my diet i have bleed from my ears b4 and had maga migrains 2 this day i still dont know whats wrong with me and its been happening for about 4-5 years now so yeah i know how ya feel fatal
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xOx JeSs xOx
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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by Reaper Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:42 am



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Worrying moments Empty Re: Worrying moments

Post by matrix pew Sun Apr 18, 2010 5:45 am

same thing happned to me just two days ago it probably is low blood sugar coz i didnt eat for that whle day.
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