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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Ice Cube
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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by {Irish} Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:22 am

OK to begin with at the start of the round 'Get Out Of Spawn' ....
Spawn being the place where you start at the beginning of the round, essentially you have a couple of options here, they basically involve a combination of the following keys "W", "S", "A", and "D"
Dont try and use the W and S at the same time, the same goes for the A and D keys.
Dont ask stupid questions like "Can I run out backwards?" ... in short please do, players love to take advantage of idiots running backwards out of spawn for a quick knife.

What constitutes "Camping" and how long can I stay in one place before I am said to be camping? Well that depends on where you are and what you are Actually doing it to achieve. I emphasised "Actually" because that often differs from the stated reason given when asked about it.
Now to lay it out simply, if a players is stopped in a place of concealment or limited visability so that they can catch (ie shoot) another as they approach or go past them ... THAT IS CAMPING.
If they are crouched behind a box or standing behind a wall for more than 3 secs for that purpose, THAT IS CAMPING.
It doesnt matter if that place is up high, or a lower level, if you are stopped somewhere that makes you hard to see, and you are there more than 3 secs THAT IS CAMPING.
If you pause to get your bearings or turn around and you happen to be there 2 or 3 secs that ISNT camping, if you havent entered bind f !give inconsole and have to reload, personally I'd advise you do, but if you havent and are reloading, that ISNT camping.
If you are a player who thinks it is fun to piss off the admins, owners/leaders by asking stupid bloody questions like "What if I spin around in one spot, technically I am still moving, is this camping" My initial response to that is "Piss off idiot and find another server", sounds like bhopping is what you are looking for if you like spinning on the spot.
Mind you the saying "Sit on it and rotate" springs to mind

If there are actually any serious questions on this issue please ask away, if something is obviously not clear please ask away.
If you just want to be a spanner in the works and not play by the server rules, your answer is written in RED above.
great then, tents away, guns out, have fun
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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by Ice Cube Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:23 pm

but, but, i was raised a camper in the outback of Australia!!!!!

tent away Sad what bout my kangaroo tail sandwich??
Ice Cube
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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by {Irish} Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:23 pm

Use it as a nade
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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by Ice Cube Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:26 pm

woot wootttttt
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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by Hykariki Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:08 am

i think the ppl fail to relize that


ffs cant you just play by the rules Razz

well said Irish
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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by SuperMan Sat Apr 03, 2010 6:38 am

Irish one problem.. You explanation is intelligent but the people that you are tryin to explain this to a fuckin idiots

I find once you have slayed them a few times they get the picture really quickly.!ts also funny when u come on "undercover" and then tag up and everyone says "ok admin here better not camp anymore...

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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by D3m0n1k Sat Apr 03, 2010 4:23 pm

Now ive been Pinged of this and i dont think its camping,

if u look at ur radar and see an ally die or a fire fight behind you and u turn around to kill them...

and yes ive been slain for using my brain to kill people if i rush left see no1 turn around and kill someone whos come from the other side is that camping??

because ive been slain for doing that and told that its camping

kinda confused me
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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by BlueRhino Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:43 pm

if you rush left no ones there..
so turn around back to spawn and enter as or before the enemy is entering your spawn.
that is camping..
you need to be more clear about what you mean demonik but regardless i never had it explained to me. its not that fucking hard..
1.RUSH towards enemy spawn
2.dont return to spawn for a period which you should be able to sum up using common sense. and hold W

thats what a rush server should be, however im not always holding w like i used to tbh as im so disheartened by others.
nighty night im grumpy n sleepy =]
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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by Hykariki Sat Apr 03, 2010 6:09 pm

nah like you may proceed with caution but not fucking much i hold in shift to walk and its only coz im gathering people for my meat sheild

if you get a fucking kill goodo ten keep going at it

if you dont get a fucking kill and you decide to wait for one.....well i think you all know the rest
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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by ScarletTourniquet Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:29 am

demonik, it's the same as if everyone else on your team goes right and you go left and you see 7 of the enemy. too fuckin bad. keep rushing towards them and hope you kill one before you go down.

no doubling back. it's not hard.

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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by D3m0n1k Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:56 am

Nah see fuck that, if i see 7 people Im turning and choosing another way, now if i see 3 people, ill have crack But i dont think that Using ur brain should be counted as camping

| |
| X |
| |
| O |
|__________ |

Hmmm now do i go towards the X and get a possible kill ?
Or charge Forward into 5 Enemies for instant death?

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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by Ice Cube Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:15 am, just rush!
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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by ScarletTourniquet Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:33 am

There are a lot of other people who see too many of the enemy (me included) who keep rushing forward. And a lot of the time, I'll snap one of them before I go down. So why should you get to double back just cause you chose the wrong side when the rest of us suck it up and keep rushing?

It's a pub server. You don't need to think about it. Thinking is for scrims and scrim practice.

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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by Ice Cube Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:36 am

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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by D3m0n1k Sun Apr 04, 2010 9:36 pm

Im not a lemming, if ur a lemming thats ur choice, im not its the way ive always played, the only time i go at a 4+ on 1 is when im either A.Baiting or B. damaging so som1 can get nade

cant yell at some1 for using their brain
what is this Primary school?
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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by ScarletTourniquet Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:32 am

They're the rules demonik. If you don't like them, you know what you can do.

No one in DOA and no one else in TFG have an issue with following this rule. You're no better than any of them. So you don't get special treatment. In fact, admin should be harder on clannies than pubs. If your own clan mates can't follow the rules, how can you expect anyone else to? Set an example.

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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by Ice Cube Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:38 am

follow rules = YAY Very Happy
dont follow rules = SLAP SLAY KICK BANNNNNNN Sad
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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by BlueRhino Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:16 am

Hahaha hey Demonik here's an idea learn the rules BEFORE you join a gg RUSH clan. Stop whining, guess what we dont play video games to 'use our brain' we play them to have fun. The rest of us have MORE fun playing the game by the rules our clan enforces. Your loved here but as i said earlier it really isnt that fucking hard, play by the rules we enjoy to play by and if you dont maybe join a server more to your likings?
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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by D3m0n1k Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:36 pm

Well if u dont like the way i play fkn kick me then i dont really care
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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by Ice Cube Mon Apr 05, 2010 1:09 pm

-___- ur not getting what rhino said...
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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by BlueRhino Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:39 pm

:icecube2: hmmmm ahh well *scatches head .. meh
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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty rushin

Post by {Irish}2 Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:08 pm

Damn the amount of times i have been someones "meat-shield" i have lost count
and i still rush, if i come across 4 or 5 enemies down the path i have chosen i just hope i can take
down at least one with me and if not hope that one of my team mates gets an easier kill.
i then sit back ..... have a drink .... another drink ... and wait for the round to begin again



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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by TRIDENT Tue May 04, 2010 12:38 pm

well it looks like we are a prmary school with u atm not being mean or anything but part off being with TFG is following the god damm rules and bud yea brakeing them a with doubleing back and b not doin as a leader or someoner ranked higher than u have told u to do!!!!!!!!!
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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by Tiny Tod Wed May 05, 2010 1:45 pm

ok i dont get it, i sorta like demoniks idea i do that as well really running into 5 ppl isnt that aim of the game, isnt having fun of the game to kill someone so what if i did that can i bait and kill them one by one Smile lol.
also the thing with ahh the using give not everyone uses give as they like to reload normally u get better at reloading normally, as i do it half of the time it might be easier and it is better but some choose not to as it fucks u up some of the time and i agree with it lol.
but i get what demonik is coming from no one rushes into 5 ppl i would go back and try and find a different route that doesnt make me double back alot of maps are like that blue shotty, ok shotty no lol but u get what i mean.

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It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained Empty Re: It Seems "CAMPING" needs to be explained

Post by BlueRhino Wed May 05, 2010 2:11 pm

The only issue with that is when people aren't following the rules and we tell them to hold W and get out of spawn they say, but so & so always does what i do.
From there we don't have a leg to stand on to enforce the server rules!

These rules were made by the TFG leaders before any captain lieutenant or member joined, the reason for people to join TFG is to be in a relaxed environment with decent people and have fun yes. However its also because your meant to enjoy playing by the rules we enforce, if you don't whether your a member, captain or lieutenant i would suggest joining a clan better suited to your likings.
Keeping in mind ours is the very best sir!
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